Software Development
Posted By : Date : cmswppz | 01-05-2016
Windows-based programming and software development. Web development and business promotion. Installing E-commerce websites
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Software Engineering
Posted By : Date : cmswppz | 01-05-2016
Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle, Knowledge of the full stack, Smart Communication skills, Ability to learn, adapt and grow, Time management, Interpersonal skills, Testing Practices, Understanding software requirement specifications.
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Expert Consultation
Posted By : Date : cmswppz | 01-05-2016
Free support and expert consultation in IT and Software engineering. Providing guide about identification of the market according to the specific expertise or discipline. Presenting special seminars
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Network security solutions
Posted By : Date : cmswppz | 01-05-2016
Evaluating and discovering network security weaknesses and reporting to the administrators. Providing network security solutions to prevent information leakage
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